Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The healing power of paint...

I have not felt well today.  I sat in an all day mandatory training.  As I sat through the training my neck was getting tighter.  I could feel pre-migraine symptoms arising.  I was more and more tired.  Just yuck — physically and energetically!!!

When I got home I thought all I would be doing was taking some serious pain meds and heading for bed, hoping to feel better tomorrow.


As I walked by my studio (back room) I felt an invitation.  Before I knew it I had picked up glitter paint and began to work on my painting.

Slowly I began to feel better.

The real healing, the good-bye total migraine oriented symptoms, that was the brown.  I have no idea what brown is in this painting. I do not need to know.  All I know is that somehow as I painted a huge brown arrow across the painting my body released something huge and yucky.

My upper neck is still tender.  But I do not fear the migraine.  I am more awake and alert.  More grounded.  Less weight on my shoulders.  Less yuck in me!

There is a healing quality in painting.  Try it sometime…

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