Monday, July 6, 2015

Conversations with Spirit...prayers for communities of faith

I am in the midst of a search process for me next call as a Pastor and spiritual director.  The final piece of writing for my ministerial profile (resume) was an invitation to offer a blessing or prayer for the communities of faith that would be looking at me.  What would I like to offer these communities as they seek their new pastor? 

Being a creative, I engaged in this prayer with chalk pastels and paper.  I would term this conversation, Conversation with Jesus and Spirit, done with the support of Land.  

I went praying and asking for an image for me as Pastor: one that would communicate through color, shape, form, vibration, energy who I am as Pastor.  This was deep soul work as I engaged the drawing, the prayer, the Conversation with Jesus.  

I can not explain what each drawing means.  I do know that when I look at them I know that is me as Pastor; me as spiritual director; Me.  I share them now with all of you as I seek my next Pastoral Call to me next community of faith.
I share one more drawing: this one a prayer for what future ministry will look and feel like for me.  This drawing captures the vibration of what I hope will come forth as I enter into a new call with a new community of faith.  It excites me!  

As I drew I felt happiness, joy, love: like Spirit offering a deep blessing of hope for our work together.

For the communities of faith who are considering and engaging in conversation with me:  this is my prayer for you!  May Spirit bring forth such a vision and experience of ministry in your midst.

As you discern whether or not to call me, to engage with me in ministry; feel deeply into these images.  What do the images evoke in you?  What emotions, hopes, dreams come up as you take them in?  What is the invitation Spirit has for you as you engage the images?

These Conversations with Jesus and Spirit have been powerful for me and I hope you also find that powerful, evoking, energizing and healing!

May Spirit and Jesus bring us together in a beautiful expression of ministry!!

Blessed Be.

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