Saturday, July 21, 2012

And the tears keep coming...

So I am continuing with this “practice” for the 40 day Creative Experiment with BrushHeart Intuitive Painting.  In my last post on this practice session I wrote about resistance and learning what that resistance is.  Click here to read that blog:
I have continued to follow the path that opened for me as I invited the resistance to show itself, came face to face with its fleeting nature, and painted it out.  I painted it out, blogged on it, and then went and re-painted my root chakra, before returning the next day to this experiment.
What I have learned this last week is how each painting teaches and informs the next one.  “What do you mean?” you ask.  Well, the “rules” of this experiment are to add at least one brush stroke a day for 40 days.  When I went to add a brush stroke the morning after painting my root chakra, look at what happened:
Notice anything? 
What I noticed was how the themes from the previous night were still showing up.  I started with light blue, almost indigo circles.  The tears began to wash away the Shadow that was choking my Chakras.  That chain of tears.  I allowed it to form and run and flow wherever it needed to.  And it flowed around the darkest of the Shadow, around the place where my Spirit and Soul and Energy were being most choked, freeing it to imagine itself into something new and beautiful; inviting it into movement....
The blue began to burst forth and flow.  Followed by that orange.  Yes orange.  Interesting.  And for me, even more interesting that it took the shape of an angel’s wing.  (I’m still reflecting upon that....)

And it continued to unlock and invite flow....  movement.... opening....
A bursting forth of my Soul into freedom.
I have to admit that I do feel movement within me.  Movement toward some unknown Future Me.  Movement into manifesting my dreams, hopes, visions in life. 
I feel myself returning after so many years of being dormant; of being pushed into my Shadow; of being shut down; of slowly dying that Critic death.
I feel the fire burning again; flaming up from deep within.  (Another theme from my root chakra painting showing up.)
My heart burning, like a candle flame.  Expanding me out, out into the Universe, out of my cocooned self of old; into something new and exciting....

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