Thursday, November 22, 2012

Expressing Gratitude...

A few years ago, I received an invitation from the Spirit to engage in a month long spiritual discipline of expressing my gratitude each day for the month prior to Thanksgiving.  Each morning, I would get up and post on Facebook something I was grateful for.  As I got closer and closer to Thanksgiving, I began to notice that I was positing my gratitude more than just in the morning.  I began to notice that my heart was opening more and more each day, filling with joy and laughter and a deep sense of being blessed.  Each year I have returned to this spiritual discipline because I believe it is important to release our feelings of gratitude and blessedness into the Universe.

I am sharing with you, this Thanksgiving (my first blogging Thanksgiving), my gratitude practice:

    My thanksgiving season moment of gratitude discipline begins now: today I am grateful for God's transforming affirmation that when we trust the process and trust the HOLY things will show up! at the appropriate time!! Blessed be!

    I dove deep into my Shadow yesterday uncovering some deep limiting core beliefs and wounds.... This morning I found myself surrounded by love filling my heart with laughter and joy by the silence that is the Sacred.  For this deep experience of being beheld I am grateful.

    I’m grateful for the healers in my life...for my shaman, my acupuncturist, healer, teacher and friend who somehow realigns my energy, holds my heart space and invites me to the next level of healing and movement in my spiritual life journey with grace, love and gentleness. Blessed!

    Is grateful today for a slow gentle day!

    I am grateful for God's grace and how it is teaching my to be kind and gentle to myself.

    Is grateful to have the power back on... Yeah! (post hurricane Sandy)

    I am grateful for a class I am taking on Cleansing my Consciousness and the group of women participating and supporting one another. We all need support when we focus on inner work and growth. I feel blessed to have this opportunity.

    Is grateful for a tremendously powerful balancing loving protective GIFT from the Sacred last night in my silence. Ah, the beauty of what can come out of darkness, shadow, and silence!
    Is grateful this morning for the simple things: sleeping through the night! Ah, what now a complete night of rest can make u feel

     I am also grateful for my Creative Self and all She teaches me about how to be fully alive, fully authentic, and deeply connected to the Holy

    I am grateful for the opportunity to be back in the pulpit for one Sunday. Looking forward to pulpit supply this morning.

     I am grateful for the quiet and stillness of early morning walks and the light that offers a sense of safety on early walks. Fabulous way to start my day!

     Is grateful for the right to vote and all those who worked so hard to get everyone that right! I look forward to honoring their diligence and work as I vote today!

     Had an awesome walk in the first snow storm of the season!! I love the first snow fall it is so beautiful and majestic and Holy!  I am so grateful for these moments with Mother Earth

     Is grateful for the power of prayer and silence in my life. I feel blessed by this holy silent conversation and communing with the Sacred and all it is bringing into my life!

     Is grateful for the Sacred's gentle and not so gentle lessons and reminders to slow down and live in patience. I have noticed that when I rush I end up frustrated and stressed because of things I can not control. When I breathe in surrender and patience I slow down, chill, feel more centered and less stressed and still seem to arrive places on time...and to complete tasks on time...

     I am grateful for the invitation to my first Shamanic Circle tonight. I am grateful for the gentle nudging of my friend to actually go to my first Shamanic Circle.  I am grateful for the experience of this totally awesome worship moment!!

     This morning I am grateful for the steadiness of the Universe. The Sacred speaks and the Universe seems to be making sure I follow Her guidance!! I feel blessed to be experiencing that, even when it is challenging and painful.

     Today I am grateful for the experience of grief and the opportunity to grieve the loss that comes with transitions, knowing that grief is healthy and bringing me one step closer to healing my Heart and bringing me Wholeness.

    My final day with this piece. It has blessed me; brought me to tears, brought me to laughter, challenged me, and taught me a great deal about my Heart and Heart Song!! I am thankful for my teacher's invitation to this process. Tomorrow begins 40 days until Solistice and a new piece to work on. 

    This morning I am grateful for the beauty and warmth and steadiness of the Sun. Such a wonderful companion this morning on my walk, offering Light on my path.

    This morning I am grateful for the invitation to dance with the Sacred and sing my Heart's song. It has been such a powerful energizing centering spiritual practice! I thank my Shaman for giving me "singing homework" that began to strengthen my Voice and open my heart to its Song; and the Sacred for inviting me to dance as my heart sang.

     Today, I am grateful for spiritual direction and the opportunity to sit, linger, notice, and listen to my Holy Inner compass and all She has to teach me about myself, my journey, the Sacred and our Collective journey in this world.

     I am thankful for powerful shamanic healings that come at unexpected times and in unexpected ways. Thank you Jesus, my healer.

     This morning I am grateful for a day of painting yesterday and what it brought to the surface for me: the things it taught me about myself and the things it is requesting I pay attention to, and the next level of healing it revealed. Intuitive painting is a powerful spiritual tool and I am grateful for it being a part of my life. I am also grateful for my awesome teacher who provides a loving, safe, expansive container for all this to happen!

     Is grateful for a week with my pup, even when breakfast wake up call happens at 5am and morning walk begging at 6 am...

     Is grateful for my contemplative practice and all the silence brings, especially the invitation to empty myself and surrender to the Holy and notice all the challenges and resistances to that invitation. It is an opportunity for deep prayer and learning...

     Anouk (my pup) decided to dance and sing (bark) her heart song with me as I danced and sang my song this morning. Quite the wild rumpus!  Joy, laughter and gratitude filled my heart...

    I am grateful for the opportunity to slow down and pay attention to the inner work of my Soul.  I am grateful for all who are walking this journey with me and their love and support.

    Today, I am thankful for curry: all types. It seems my body is craving them. I am enjoying making curried veggies, curried soup, red curry paste and more. I am also grateful for the yummy aromas it makes.

    Today  I offer my gratitude to Mother Nature: to Her trees, rocks, flowers, wind, water, and earth that have been my companion on many walks, ponderings, wandering, wonderings, and hours of contemplation.  I am grateful for their beauty, patience, gracefulness, power, gentleness and wisdom. 

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